Beginners guide to darkest dungeon
Beginners guide to darkest dungeon

He starts off with an ability called Duelist's Advance which means he's best suited to the back ranks at first. Dismas is a versatile, hard-hitting character that can perform well in any rank. Audrey's damage can be somewhat inconsistent and she has low HP, but she makes up for it with strong mobility and additional DOT abilities.

beginners guide to darkest dungeon

She has a high critical strike chance and Stealth abilities, and can use Blight abilities and self heals, too. Audrey is a self-reliant character that can work well in any rank, but is best suited to the middle ranks when you start off playing. Paracelsus is almost entirely reliant on DOT (damage over time) instead of pure strikes and has quite low HP, but is flexible and can be a great support character.

beginners guide to darkest dungeon

She works best in the back ranks of the party. Paracelsus is a hybrid character that has great ranged damage and healing abilities. Barristan isn't very fast but he has high HP, self-healing abilities, and decently high damage. He has Guard and Riposte abilities (think of these as parries or counters) and can also support other characters, too. Barristan is a heavy-hitting and sturdy hero that performs best in the front ranks. You'll be able to unlock more heroes as you progress (and strengthen them too) but your initial team will be:

beginners guide to darkest dungeon

One of the most important things to think about when you're playing through the game for the first time is the heroes that you have at your disposal. The Darkest Dungeon 2 Prologue is a great introduction to the game and the core mechanics, but it does leave you in the dark about some important game functions.

Beginners guide to darkest dungeon